Zero liquid discharge is process where no effluent or discharge is left over. Effluent is fed to the evaporator where dissolved solids precipitate as crystals .Crystals are dewatered and water vapour is condensed which is returned to the process. The target ZLD is reached by: Systematic and consequent recovery of water from effluent Separation by evaporation of water/ wastewater in evaporators, crystallizers and condensate recovery. Conversion of liquid elements of wastewater into disposable/ reusable solids, such as sludge, salt Given the shortage of water resources and the increasing costs for water treatment and waste water disposal, the demand for new recycling technologies is rising.The subject of reducing waste water volumes to the point where waste water can be avoided entirely, as well as the multiple use of treated waste water, is the most discussed topic in water management in the steel industry. At the same time, ‘zero liquid discharge’ (ZLD) concepts are being considered for individual branches of industry for a variety of reasons. When it comes to their implementation, however, priority is given to economic factors. The degree of implementation depends on the economic and ecological boundary conditions.From the treatment of the available water using measures integrated into the production process – up to waste water treatment – ZLD applies to the entire process chain. reusing every drop of water. Benefits of ZLD 1- With the help of ZLD, we can lower the waste volumes & decrease the cost associated with waste management. 2- Approved and followed all the industrial as well as government policies and regulation of wastewater treatment for reusability or discharging it into nature. 3- Off-site wastewater disposal is reduced to its lower level, and also greenhouse gas impact and community road incident risks getting lower with ZLD. 4- Improved performance and regulatory risk for environmental profile for future permitting with environmental agencies.